July 2021

Following last month’s breakdown of the feedback we received from both our local boards and the wider community on what was still a “proposed” budget, I would like to spend this month’s column focusing on some of the much wanted and needed investment now secured over the next three years for projects and programmes in our ward.

 Parks: Colin Maiden Park will receive nearly $3 million to upgrade sports fields, add lighting, paths and other amenities to improve its use. Secure funding will also support the development of a third sports field and lighting at Shore Road Reserve, and Thomas Bloodworth Reserve will also receive funding for an upgrade.

 Transport: The north-south links to the Glen Innes to Tamaki Dr Shared Path (wanted since 2012) are finally funded and will improve road safety and reduce congestion by providing off-road access to schools and commuters and connect multiple communities across the Pourewa Valley. I am thrilled this has been included in Auckland Transport’s budget allocation for this 10-year budget as it has been in the Ōrākei Local Board’s top ‘three most wanted projects’ by the community for every 10-year plan since Auckland Council began.

The seaward side footpath on Tamaki Dr alongside the new separated cycleway on the causeway will be funded allowing this project to be fully realised (don’t ask why it wasn’t part of the road raising/separated cycleway project in the first place!).

But often, the most wanted transport improvements are smaller things — new bus shelters or shelters where none currently exist, safety improvements around pedestrian crossings and footpath improvements. Our two local boards will receive just under $6m in the next three years to deliver what you want in the transport space.

 Environment and climate: Funding from the natural environment targeted rate will go towards restoring and enhancing the natural environment of the Pourewa Valley, including St Johns Bush, Kepa Bush, Selwyn Bush and Tahapa Reserve.

Tamaki Dr work will receive funding towards climate mitigation which will include the implementation of temporary flood barriers along the sea wall, as well as installation of the non-return valves on existing stormwater outlets through the sea wall to also assist with rising sea levels and flooding.

As I have expanded on previously, the reserves alongside Portland Rd will also receive funding for work to restore and enhance their wetlands this year, finishing with the road raising component – both reducing the impacts of flooding.

Community: The Meadowbank Community Centre will also receive funding to deliver a major rebuild. Again, this has been on the ‘most wanted’ list for over nine years but now it will happen.

Regional grants have been reinstated and are now available to support incredible work done by the various groups dedicated to positive community outcomes. A key example of region-wide grants for our area includes the funding of our Eastern Bays Songbird Project, which has significantly reduced pests and tangibly brought back more birdlife to our area.

As a result of more funding for both our local boards, grant funding will also be available for community groups to deliver further local valuable investment where needed.

 Water: Thanks to overwhelming community support, significant investment into the beaches of Parnell to Glendowie (in the first instance focused on Hobson Bay), Newmarket and the Tāmaki Estuary, will be enabled six years earlier than planned through the increase in the water quality targeted rate (WQTR). This project is being called the Eastern Isthmus Programme.

As Watercare deliver new wastewater infrastructure projects such as the Newmarket gully tunnel, we will optimise that investment by undertaking stormwater upgrades and stormwater separation. In fact, the one-off 5 per cent rates rise also delivers 50 per cent of below the ground infrastructure for us in central Auckland.

We have a long way to go in terms of improving the quality of our water to acceptable health standards, however, the level of investment provided through the WQTR is a big step in the right direction. The rate will enable an additional $255.9m of investment.

While I appreciate not everyone was supportive of this budget, I want to reassure you that I am focused on

providing you all value for money and continuing to build on our record level of savings and efficiencies ($90m is baked into the budget for savings in year one).