Annual Budget update

The past month has been the key month for Auckland Council’s annual budget decisions were made June 1st in a long but lively meeting.

In this process I have been sure to listen to the feedback that the people of Orakei have given me through the submission process and the two consultation events in the ward.

Some key points from the budget include;

1.       2.5% rates rise for residential ratepayers ( the lowest rates rise for our Ward rise since amalgamation).

2.       A rise in UAGC of 2.5% ( which lowers the proportion of the rate that is based on capital value)

3.       $30 million dollars of savings ( it’s worth noting that Council has found enduring annual savings of $224m per annum since amalgamation, but we still have more to find)

4.       Accommodation targeted rate to save the ratepayer having to fully fund tourist promotion

5.       Living wage was adopted in a refined form


There are obviously other key budget items which I’m happy to share with your Residents associations if requested and which I will put up on my website this month
